CS Lewis once said that "grief is like the sky, it covers everything." In recent weeks, our family has found that this is so very true. It seems that there is no right or wrong way to travel this path of grief. I have created this blog in hopes that some day we will be able to look back on our journey and see written proof that our great God never leaves us. God is good all the time.

Celebrating Laynee

You might want to scroll to the bottom of this page and pause the music before playing this video.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Too Much

I come here often and post prayer requests of those who are in need of prayer.  Obviously I do not post about everyone who is in need of prayer, but there are some things that affect me more deeply than others.  I really do not try to figure out why some things stir up more of my own painfull feelings of missing Laynee than others. News of drowning death always, always bring a sick feeling to my stomach.  Having experienced it, I am drawn to news of such accidents and often people in real life or in blog world will bring such things to my attention.  While it is painful, I feel that I can relate more specifically to those whose children drown.  I can pray in a more specific way for these families than I can for anyone else.  There are several women, whose children died around the same time as Laynee, with whom I feel a particularly close bond.  We are at virtually the same place in our grief journey and these women make me feel somehow less alone.

This morning my heart leapt into my throat upon hearing of a tragedy that has befallen one of these dear women, yet again.  There is only one thought that occupies my mind.  "This.......THIS is just too much!!!!"
My friend Joany  said good bye to her beautiful daughter, Carly, just months after Laynee died.  Carly also had Down Syndrome and I picture them dancing all over heaven.  Last night there was a fire in the George home and their son Brad joined his baby sister in heaven.  Joany's daughter, Ashleigh recently left home to serve in the Navy. 

My brain cannot wrap around this.  There are no words, nothing to say, nothing to do.  This......This is just too much. 


  1. oh my gosh. I hadn't heard this. I'll admit, I don't know how to pray except to plead with God to be there. I know he is. But oh my. I worry for them, I have to be honest.

  2. Oh no! there is no way Joany is strong enough for this. What can we do to help her?

  3. i am praying for your dear friend joany and her family. to help them find the strength to get through this very difficult time.

  4. Karol, so much of what you wrote...I feel the same way too. I am drawn to those who lose children, but especially those who lose a child to drowning. We have that special bond in knowing the hurt, anguish, shock. When someone else loses their child, a part of our heart seems to disappear just like it did the day we lost our children (hope that makes sense). I am very sad today. I told my husband, and he was very sad to hear as well. Praying over here at the Wallace house. I am so very sorry for your friend, their family, and for you my friend. Hugs!!!

  5. I am just in shock. Shock. It is all too much. It was already too much - and now this. I can't believe it. How can they ever bear this much pain??

    Cathy in Missouri
