CS Lewis once said that "grief is like the sky, it covers everything." In recent weeks, our family has found that this is so very true. It seems that there is no right or wrong way to travel this path of grief. I have created this blog in hopes that some day we will be able to look back on our journey and see written proof that our great God never leaves us. God is good all the time.

Celebrating Laynee

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hope Blooms

This post serves two purposes.   First, it is granting Jamee's request that we post pictures of Laynee's garden, which is positively bursting with color right now.  Jamee is the only one of my children who has ever really shared my love for gardening.  She would, without question, prefer to be in the garden over inside cleaning or cooking.  Secondly, this post is to share the hope that Laynee's garden brings to me.

When I think of gardening and flowers, I think spring and summer.   I've never really thought much about fall being a time for flowers.  But around the time of Laynee's Heaven Day anniversary, her garden seemed to come alive.  Every plant has exploded into it's most glorious state.   I know that this is due, primarily to the selection of plants. Since it was planted in the fall, most people chose to bring fall flowers.  The color serves as a reminder to me that Laynee, though she left us one early fall day, is very much alive.  Her spirit lives and though we cannot see her, she resides in glorious splendor.  Though we are in a season of living without her here, one day we will see her in all her glory.

Waiting for that day!!!!

The mums in her garden are easily the largest I have ever seen.
The church was full of mums for her visitation and funeral.

The climbing clematis on her trellis is a brilliant white with the
sweetest scent.
Jamee, notice the new walkway border the
Russ just finished.  All that's left is the ground cover
between the stepping stones.  

Our neighboring land owner, and beloved friend and mentor
of Jim's had this tree planted in our yard in Laynee's memory.  The
last two years it's blossom's opened on exactly September 7. 

Love you, Laynee Grace.


  1. Thanks for putting up pictures Mom!!:) The clematis is way bigger than I thought it would be when you described it! The whole garden looks awesome:)

  2. So beautiful...just like your precious little Laynee.

  3. Karol
    Laynees garden is beautiful I can't get mums to grow so really enjoy yours. Wait til the spring when the "flowering almond blooms". The garden is as lovely as Laynee
